Every Day Has a Purpose


Give each day its beginning, its middle and its end.  In the matter of consciousness of this, lies the power which you may invest your day with. For we know that each one of you does not necessarily know, what is embodied in the day – what is there for you. And yet you have more power in this, than you can imagine. And so, the advice is, begin your day by opening up the arena of the possibilities which you may have already considered…opening up the arena and bringing in the light energy, and the sense of Highest Purpose, so that your soul and your Higher Self can discover and discern and bring about, those things which you are, on the ground level as it were, not necessarily in the knowledge of – cognisant of.

For from the other levels and dimensions, these things have a very different perspective, as you can imagine – and so, it is good to bring in the aid, the vision, and the spaciousness of the other dimensions on the inner planes.

We know very well, that those of you who are even thinking of this kind of activity, are still not very sure that there are inner planes at all; that it might all be an illusion. And we know  that you are mentally confronting conflicts and barriers of this type. And yet, we encourage you to step aside and step over these barriers and blockages in order to experiment and attempt the new ways…

And so, at the beginning of the day, you begin to marshal the possibilities and you bring in Light and Highest Purpose.

And then, in the body of the day, you may check in, with your soul, at points, whenever you can remember to do so, and see whether you feel you are on track…And ‘on track’ would feel like, a feeling of being even and balanced, with the way open ahead, with the energy following, in order to assist you along your path. There is a sense of being rightfully employed on your matter of life.

For each day has a purpose, and yet, the purpose of the life may be somewhat transmutable, on the actual travel thereof – especially in these times, when the energy pathways are very mutable and shifting.  And so, it is well not to dwell too much on matters of rigid structure, for these can be moved and set aside with Higher Will and Intention where it is appropriate and for the Highest Purpose ongoing of this soul.  And so it is good to be flexible in your approach, dear ones.

So, during your day, you are checking in to find out whether it feels right. If it does not feel right, this would manifest in a sense of stress, a sense of being lost, perhaps in a whirlwind of many considerations and thoughts;  perhaps other peoples’ considerations and thoughts and energy patterns, for these will be very prevalent around you at all times …

If your feeling and demeanour is not in balance and does not feel comfortable for you, you may then bring in your breath, and take a tiny pause – bring in the breath, and check into your body – your actual temple of light on the physical plane – and see, what messages this wonderful body is conveying to you … and also, insights may be able to enter your mental level. All the levels can convey messages to you, if you can only make the space to read them.

Speaking about the space for reading the messages of the body: the matter of the computer technology, and all the incoming information, which bombards you, in these days – it has its uses indeed – it is a wonderful accomplishment of the human brain, and it has a life of its own … however, for each one of you, there is a desirable limit for this kind of thing – for it fills your emotional and mental bodies, and even your physical bodies, with input which is surplus to your needs.

When you are considering Highest Purpose, you will be contacting Truth from a meaningful abstract level, from Higher Mind and Higher Will, and you do not want to be distracted from this by electrical signals, which are on another level.  And so we recommend that you choose the time and the place where you operate these technological – engines – in order that you may keep the contact with your deeper selves. This is important, as the amount of input and information escalates. It has a contribution to the chaotic energies which are everywhere to be found, specially in large conglomerates of people at this time.


You will find that Nature can give you peace and harmony, by the Beingness of it … any time that you can connect your bodies, your feelings, your minds with Earth and Earth’s processes, you  will find a level of Truth which indeed nourishes you at the deepest levels; and is essential for your wellbeing on all these levels.

Blessed ones, we bring you to the last part of the day. And this is a time when you are about to embark on the darkness of sleep. And we encourage you, dearest ones, to use your sleep time. It is not just a crash-out point. You may build a better night’s repose, cleansing, healing, restoring, travelling, learning, if you will set it up in such a way as to open up again your Highest Purpose – to perceive, even, this night-time’s journeying and activities as part of your life – your soul’s life, as part of what will nourish and develop you. It is not a crash-out time.

It might seem this way, especially if you are tired and weary, at the end of the day. And yet, the guides, and your soul, do much work in this time, and you may participate more and more consciously, if you wish this.

We recommend that as you prepare for the night, that you nourish your body appropriately with clean drink, and do not use stimulating substances. Be aware, what makes your body feel both soothed and cherished, at this time.

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And again, you may connect with your soul, and ask for your Highest Purpose to be served at this time of night essence. This would be a big change for many of you – we feel that you would be surprised if you knew what a difference this would make.

You may ask for help to traverse the night – you will find that there are Beings whose job it is, to make sure you are comfortable and safe. There are angelic and other beings who are devoted to helping you at this time.

And so, in the purpose of your day, you will then have, with these means, allowed it to develop itself to the highest potential. And we wish you well in this and may it be so.

Blessings and peace.

Thank you and who is speaking?

Francis and the Companions of the Way.

In the love of the Christ energy and the Earth energy, we wish you peace and we are with you always.  Amen.